2.42-inch OLED Display Module, 128×64 Pixels, Blue, Supports SPI/I2C Communication

2.42-inch OLED Display Module, 128×64 Pixels, Blue, Supports SPI/I2C Communication

2.42-inch OLED Display Module, 128×64 Pixels, Blue, Supports SPI/I2C Communication

2.42-inch OLED Display Module, 128×64 Pixels, Blue, Supports SPI/I2C Communication

2.42-inch OLED Display Module, 128×64 Pixels, Blue, Supports SPI/I2C Communication

2.42-inch OLED Display Module, 128×64 Pixels, Blue, Supports SPI/I2C Communication

2.42 Inch OLED Display Module

Embedded SSD1309 driver chip; Compatible with 3.3V and 5V MCU; Supports SPI / I2C Communication

This 2.42-inch OLED display features a high-performance SSD1309 driver chip and dual communication interfaces (SPI/I2C). Its versatile design ensures compatibility with popular microcontroller platforms, making it ideal for electronic experiments, DIY projects, and embedded system applications

Product Features



63mm (L) × 42.4mm (W)

Resolution128 x 64 pixels
Available Display Colors

Black and White/Black and Yellow/

Black and Blue/Black and Green

Voltage Level TranslatorTXS0108EPWR
Signal InterfaceSPI / I2C
Supply Voltage3.3V or 5V
Active Display Area55.01mm (W) x 27.49mm (H)
Driver ChipSSD1309

Various types are available

The display screens come in four models: white, yellow, blue, and green. You can make a purchase according to your requirements

Interface Definition

VCCPower supply positive (3.3V or 5V)
GNDPower supply ground
DINSPI master output slave input/ I2C data line
CLKSPI serial clock/ I2C clock line
CSSPI chip selection pin (active at low level)
D/CData/command control pin (high level represents data, low level represents command)
RSTExternal reset pin (low level reset)

Product Display

Resource Overview

1. SPI/I2C selector switch

2. OLED screen connector

3. Voltage Translator TXS0108

4. SPI/I2C control interface 1.25mm pitch connector

5. SPIResource Overview/I2C control interface 2.54mm pitch pin header

Overall dimensions


2.42inch OLED Display

Package Contents

  1. 2.42inch OLED Display BB(A) × 1
  2. GH1.25 7PIN connecting cable 20cm × 1

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