
The RC522 RFID HAT is a module designed for Raspberry Pi application in RFID scenarios, which is used for contact-less communication at 13.56MHz. It also supports I2C, SPI and UART serial port communication, and the communication interface can be set by the on-board DIP switch.


  • Power Supply 3.3V / 5V ● Supports ISO/IEC14443A/MIFARE
  • Supports MIFARE Classic encryption in reader/writer model
  • Supports interfaces of SPI/I2C/UART
  • Running at 13.56MHz
  • Dimensions: 85mm(Length) x 56.3mm(Width)


Since the bookworm system no longer supports the wiringpi library, the example program for this system uses the lgpio library, and for the bullseye system, the wiringpi library version of the example program can be used.

Instructions of Hard Interface Configuration( For Three Types of Interface Conguration)

RC522 RFID HAT supports three communication modes of I2C, SPI and UART at the same time. The communication interface can be switched through the two DIP switches, SW1 and SW2. The specific methods of configuration will be mentioned in the following diagrams 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3.

Demo Codes

Install the Wiringpi library.

First, install the WiringPI library.

sudo apt-get install wiringpi
wget https://project-downloads.drogon.net/wiringpi-latest.deb # Raspberry Pi 4B version upgrade
sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb
gpio -v # If version 2.52 appears, it means that the installation has been successful

Install the lgpio library

For the bookworm system, the sample program uses the lgpio library. The following is the installation command for the library:

wget https://github.com/joan2937/lg/archive/master.zip              
unzip master.zip                                                    
cd lg-master                                                        
sudo make install

Uart Serial Port

Configure the module hardware DIP switch as the UART interface according to the requirements of the module UART interface configuration. This is shown below:

 *  SW1:    RX   -> ON          SW2:    A1   -> -
 *          TX   -> ON                  A0   -> -
 *          SDA  -> OFF                 ADR5 -> 0
 *          SCL  -> OFF                 ADR4 -> 0
 *          NSS  -> OFF                 ADR3 -> 0
 *          MOSI -> OFF                 ADR2 -> 0
 *          MISO -> OFF                 ADR1 -> 0
 *          SCK  -> OFF                 ADR0 -> 0

Serial port configuration of Raspberry Pi

Because the serial port of "ttyS0" is used in the demo codes, it is necessary to confirm whether the "ttyS0" serial port has been configured before running the demo codes, and the confirmation process is as follows:

The Raspberry Pi 3/4B has two serial ports, namely "hardware serial port" "/dev/ttyAMA0" and "mini serial port" "/dev/ttyS0". Due to the on-board Bluetooth module, this "hardware serial port" is assigned to connect with the Bluetooth module by default, and the "mini serial port" is assigned to the GPIO Tx Rx led by the pin by default. First, check the serial port mapping through the terminal command ls -l /dev, such as only "serial1 -> ttyAMA0", no "ttyS0" related mapping.

Access the terminal of Raspberry Pi:

sudo raspi-config

Interface Options->Serial Port->No->Yes->OK

Then reboot

At this time, you can see the mapping relationship between serial0 -> ttyS0 and serial1 ->ttyAMA0, and "ttyS0" can be used normally.

In addition, we also need to disable the serial console, access the Raspberry Pi Configuration in the main menu, and select the Serial Console as Disable in the Interfaces options.


Install python serial library:

sudo apt-get install python3-serial

Execute the demo codes of serial port

Access the terminal of Raspberry Pi and get the program directory:

cd /home/pi/RC522_RFID_HAT/


Access python directory: cd Python

Then execute:

sudo python3 rc522-python-uart.py


Access c directory: cd C/UART


sudo make
sudo ./main

SPI Interface

Configure the module hardware DIP switch as the SPI interface according to the requirements of the module SPI interface configuration. This is shown below:

 *  SW1:    RX   -> OFF         SW2:    A1   -> -
 *          TX   -> OFF                 A0   -> +
 *          SDA  -> OFF                 ADR5 -> 0
 *          SCL  -> OFF                 ADR4 -> 0
 *          NSS  -> ON                  ADR3 -> 0
 *          MOSI -> ON                  ADR2 -> 0
 *          MISO -> ON                  ADR1 -> 0
 *          SCK  -> ON                  ADR0 -> 0

SPI Configuration of Raspberry Pi

Start the system configuration of Raspberry Pi:

sudo raspi-config

Enable the SPI interface:

Interfacing Options -> SPI -> Yes

Check the enabled SPI devices:

ls /dev/spi* # will print out:"/dev/spidev0.0"and"/dev/spidev0.1"

Install the spidev library for Python3:

sudo pip3 install spidev

Execute the demo codes of SPI interface

Access the terminal of Raspberry Pi and get the program directory:

cd /home/pi/RC522_RFID_HAT/


Access python directory: cd Python

Then execute:

sudo python3 rc522-python-spi.py


Access c directory: cd C/SPI


sudo make
sudo ./main

I2C Interface

RC522 RFID HAT has been led the I2C address lines out. It can be freely selected by the users. The way to configure can be queried in RC522 official manual. Here we will also offer the screenshot of the mentioned configuration methods in the manual.


The demo codes we provide is to set the EA to 1 via the DIP switch SW2, ADR_0-ADR_5 also all set to 1, and ADR6 is always 0, so the address is 0X3F (00111111).

Configure the module hardware DIP switch as the I2C interface according to the requirements of the module I2C interface configuration. This is shown below:

 *  SW1:    RX   -> OFF         SW2:    A1   -> +
 *          TX   -> OFF                 A0   -> +
 *          SDA  -> ON                  ADR5 -> +
 *          SCL  -> ON                  ADR4 -> +
 *          NSS  -> OFF                 ADR3 -> +
 *          MOSI -> OFF                 ADR2 -> +
 *          MISO -> OFF                 ADR1 -> +
 *          SCK  -> OFF                 ADR0 -> +

I2C Configuration of Raspberry Pi

Start the system configuration of Raspberry Pi:

sudo raspi-config

Enable the I2C interface:

Interfacing Options -> I2C -> Yes

sudo reboot

Check the enabled I2C devices:

ls /dev/i2c* # will print out:"/dev/i2c-1"

Install I2C library:

sudo apt install i2c-tools

Install smbus of python:

sudo apt install python-smbus

Test the address of the device mounted on the I2C bus:

sudo i2cdetect -y -a 1

Execute the demo codes of the I2C interface:

cd /home/pi/RC522_RFID_HAT/


Access python directory: cd Python

Then execute: sudo python3 rc522-python-i2c.py


Access c directory; cd C/IIC


sudo make
sudo ./main



Demo codes for bullseye system

Demo codes for bookworm system


Data Sheet



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