RGB Matrix P2.5-64x32

RGB Matrix P2.5-64x32


This product RGB Matrix P2.5-64 x 32 is on-board 2048 full-color display LEDs with 2.5mm pitch, which supports the use of Raspberry Pi developing board. The product is provided with open development resources, suitable for the electronic makers and the related learners to learn or DIY.


  • On-board 64 x 32 = 2048 full-color display LEDs
  • 2.5mm pitch, displaying text, animation and colorful image
  • Onboard two HUB75 headers, respectively for signal input and output. It can be cascaded multi-screen Providing open development resources and tutorials for the use of Raspberry Pi


PIXELS64 x 32
CONTROL TYPEsynchronization
DRIVING1/16 scan
POWER PORTVH4 header input
Dimensions160mm(Length) x 80mm(Width) x 15mm(height)
RGB Matrix P2.5-64x32

Instructions of Hardware Connector Configuration

This product is mainly used with the main-board of Raspberry Pi, with HUB75 for signal input and output of RGB LED Matrix Panel. The connector definitions are in the following figure:

RGB Matrix P2.5-64x32

Usage of demo for Raspberry Pi

The wiring pins definitions of signal input for Raspberry Pi and RGB LED Matrix Panel as following table 2-1:

MarkPins DescriptionBCM numberMarkPins DescriptionBCM number
R1R higher bit data11G1G higher bit data27
B1B higher bit data7GNDGroundGND
R2R lower bit data8G2G lower bit data9
B2B lower bit data10EE line selection15
AA line selection22BB line selection23
CC line selection24DD line selection25
CLKClock input17LATLatch pin4
OEOutput enable18GNDGroundGND

Usage of demo

This display uses the open source code on github to demonstrate. Please access the Raspberry Pi terminal, and then enter the following commands in turn:

sudo git clone https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix
cd rpi-rgb-led-matrix
sudo make
cd examples-api-use
sudo ./demo -D 9 --led-no-hardware-pulse --led-rows=32 --led-cols=64

For more details about the demo, please read the contents of the README.md file carefully.

Cautions of demo

  • Turn off onboard audio. Please modify the content of /boot/config.txt into dtparam=audio=off, because the on-board audio and the timing circuitry required by RGB-Matrix cannot be run simultaneously.
  • Please do not run any programs that run in parallel with the GPIO pins.
  • Disable the 1-wire interface:raspi-config -> Interface Options -> 1-Wire
  • Add the isolcpus=3 statement at the end of the /boot/cmdline.txt file, separated by spaces

Usage of demo for Rasperry Pi Pico

The wiring pins definitions of signal input for Pico and RGB LED Matrix Panel as following table 2-2

MarkPins DescriptionPico PinsMarkPin DescriptionPico Pins
R1R higher bit dataGP02G1G higher bit dataGP03
B1B higher bit dataGP04GNDGroundGND
R2R lower bit dataGP05G2G lower bit dataGP08
B2B lower bit dataGP09EE line selectionGP22
AA line selectionGP10BB line selectionGP16
CC line selectionGP18DD line selectionGP20
CLKClock inputGP11LATLatch pinGP12
OEOutput enableGP13GNDGroundGND

Usage of Demo:

After wiring the Pico and the display, open the Thonny Python IDE, access the Pico-RGB Matrix LED_64x32 folder in the demo codes in the "File" window (View -> File), and upload all the files and folders in the folder to In Pico, then double-click to open the main.py file, and click the "run" icon in the menu to run the current code.

Usage of demo for Arduino Mega

The wiring pins definitions of signal input for Arduino mega and RGB LED Matrix Panel as following table 2-3:

MarkPins DescriptionArduino mega PinsMarkPin DescriptionArduino mega Pins
R1R higher bit dataD24G1G higher bit dataD25
B1B higher bit dataD26GNDGroundGND
R2R lower bit dataD27G2G lower bit dataD28
B2B lower bit dataD29EE line selectionA4
AA line selectionA0BB line selectionA1
CC line selectionA2DD line selectionA3
CLKClock inputD11LATLatch pinD10
OEOutput enableD9GNDGroundGND

Usage of Demo:

After wiring the power cable to the display panel and connecting the signal cable according to Table 2-3, access the Arduino_Mega_RGB_Matrix_64x32 folder and double-click to open the Arduino_Mega_RGB_Matrix_64x32.ino file. Then click the Verify buttonVerify button. The demo code realizes the function of displaying text and pictures in a loop.



Demo Codes


Notice:If you get RGB Matrix LED Display Panel-P2.5-64x32 which displays RBG, please refer to the demo codes in GitHub:https://github.com/seengreat/RGB-Matrix-P2.5-64x32

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